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Published on 2017-11-15

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6km. from Edessa at an altitude of 470 meters above sea level lies the lake and the wetland Agra - Islands and Vrytton. This lake of 5,972 acres of supplying water from the source of the river Edesseos. An artificial freshwater lake largely covered by aquatic vegetation, while the north is bordered by steep cliffs. Over 250 different bird species living in the wetland journals.
The flora of the lake consists of ydrofytiki vegetation that grows on the surface of the reed vegetation and occupies the largest territory and creates ideal conditions for nesting and reproduction of fauna. The fauna of the wetland consists of frogs, otters, coypu, aquatic turtles and water snakes. Regarding the avifauna of the lake, about 130 species of birds use for nesting, breeding and dormant. One of the four colonies of Whiskered in Greece is the lake-island-Agra Vrytton and the rare Black Tern in our country. Other bird species are regularly visited by herons, swans, the pelicans, the kingfishers, the Night Heron, the Little Grebe, the Bitterns and many species of duck to rare species, the ferruginous duck.
The main human activities include agriculture, the main crop of cherry, livestock, where cows, horses and sheep graze in the meadows around the wetland, while the oldest lobster fishing was one of the major occupations of the residents.
Lake Agra has been identified by the Ministry as a place of great natural beauty and because many species of flora are rare or endangered, protected by national and EU legislation. The wetland and surrounding area have joined the network of Special Protection Areas under the Directive on the conservation of birds. Also included in the areas proposed for inclusion in the European network of protected areas NATURA 2000. To hunt in the prohibited section of the area.
Beside the lake is a tourist pavilion with local cuisine and excellent trout. The wetland Agra-island-Vrytton made package tours boating and bird watching. You can also browse by car along the route round the lake using the network of roads and paths. Equally enchanting is to cross the wetland area by train.
Near the lake on the way to the village of Walnut is the monument of Agra and Macedon Captain Anthony MiG. The site is the effigy of walnut, which hung two makedonomachoi during the race of the Macedonia (1907) by Bulgarian guerillas, and a small temple. Part of real walnut displayed in the lobby of Hall of Edessa.